Monday 2 March 2015

Fraud Investigation Process and Analysis

If someone is lying to you regarding the transactions or trying to secure unlawful gain, he/she is involved in a fraudulent activity. Lying regarding other important matters to get any kind of gain like to secure a position is also fraud. This is the time when you should hire a professional detective for fraud investigation and collect the evidences to take legal or other action against the culprit. There have been cases when companies showed salary transactions in accounts of employees, who are not even working with them, just to save taxes or for other financial benefits.

With the advancement in technology, there is rise in white collar crimes and it's really getting difficult to track these cases. Why, because this can include anyone within the organization or outside the organization. Today, most of the companies save essential information on computers, and it’s very easy for a tech savvy person to hack anyone's system and get the confidential information. The private fraud investigators working in different parts of the country like in Kolkata, Mumbai and Delhi have access to many technologies enabling them to investigate the case.

Major frauds:

• Duplicate payments

• Forgotten or understated receivables

• Data changing by hacking into accounting systems

• Irregular cash and bank transactions

Data Analysis

This is one of the most important steps taken by the professional detectives. They use different data models and hypothetical fraud scenarios to get a direction to detect the case. Benford's Law is an advanced technique used by the detectives. Fraud detectives in some parts like Kolkata also consult with audit teams to check out historical data and analyze the data with different tools.

The investigator hired from a reliable detective agency like AMX Detective not only helps you find out the perpetrator, but also assist you in cost management. They use different investigation process for individuals and companies. If they work in a company that has different branches, they also visit them like in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore for fraud investigations. They also prepare a file of evidences to help you during legal processing.

If you notice any unnecessary payment or transaction in your finance department, don’t ignore it. Question your employees regarding the same and if you don’t get satisfactory reply, contact a professional detective agency to hire an investigator.

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